Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Ari Afilalo - Get To Know About the Jewish Religion

What is Judaism? Most people, both Jewish and gentile, would describe that Judaism is a religion. And yet, there are militant atheists who say that they are Jews! So, let to understand about  Jewish Religion.

One Transcendent God
Judaism, monotheistic religion originated among the ancient Hebrews. Judaism is described by a faith in one transcendent God who exposed himself to Moses, Abraham and the Hebrew prophets.

A Covenanted People
The Jewish people follow God by study, prayer and by the custom of the commandments set forth in the Torah. This devotion to the biblical Covenant can be recognized as the “witness”, “vocation,” and “mission” of the Jewish people.

Religious and Holy Writings
The most prominent Jewish religious text is the Bible itself, involving of the books of the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings.

Religious Life
Much of Jewish religious ritual is centred in the home. This holds daily prayers which are said three times each day - in the morning, the afternoon, and after sunset.

Also, you can check the books of a great author Ari Afilalo in order to know more about Jewish culture.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Ari Afilalo- Sephardic Jews and food customs

Sephardic Jews are the large and diverse group of Jews who belong to the particular region of Spain, Middle East, Egypt, North Africa, Turkey and Italy. The cuisine is influenced by the place of Jewish origin. Sephardic Jews arrived in NYC in 1654 by the way of sea. 

Jewish food customs: 

Kosher Food

Jews eat kosher food. Kosher food is the food that is fit to eat and is prepared according to the customs in accordance with Jewish Laws. 

Traditions and Shabbat

With an entire day of not cooking, Jew cuisine got innovative as the dishes need to be kept warm overnight. 

Innovative Passover cooking

Cooking at Passover needs to be innovative as eating chametz is forbidden. 

Relocations and cultural innovativeness

As the Jews moved from their origin to new places, their food has touched a lot of communities and is influenced by a lot of them. 

There is a large Sephardic Jewish community in the New York City. Ari Afilalo is a Sephardic Jew of French Moroccan ancestry. He is an expert on the internal trade laws and is the author of The New Global Trading Order.